Archive for August, 2009


Just returned to camp after half of a three day overnight called Primalfest… lightning struck and there was a forest fire apparently only a  quarter mile from where we were camping. Yikes!  Good thing we called camp and got picked up before things got bad.  It was kind of crazy being outside during a thunderstorm though.  Last time I did that was probably at Gwynn Valley when I was ten or eleven, and saw lightning striking the ground in front of us as we ran inside from the storm.

Primalfest was more fun than last session when me and Fabian had a bunch of ten and eleven year old boys.  This time Pancreas and I  had 16 kids, mostly older, and we mostly chilled out at Apache Point.  This time we didn’t build forts, fry frogs (we did eat some tiny fish though), or roast chickens on a spit over the fire.  However, I did eat some weird beef thing that we put in the stew we made.  And we made instant pudding– delicious!  And the kids found Narnia and the bridge to Terebithia, which made me smile.

Now I’m realizing there’s only 2 weeks of the summer left, and only one left with all of the counselors here.  This is a strange realization.  What with days off, we really only have 5 days together.  This sucks.  I will probably see Nicole, Eleanor, Fabian, and Jordan in New Orleans, but who knows if that will really work out.  And hopefully I can see Kim, Tori, Kelsey, and Billy while I’m home.  But as with everything else, this group of people in its entirety will never be together again, which is always a bit sad.  I have really loved this summer, despite the added stress of overnights, and my crazy cabin first session.  I don’t expect to be back at Mountain Meadow next summer, but in the future, who knows.  Maybe once I get my class B license…